1.Kedi Wu, Qiluan Cheng,and Guo Ping Wang, ”Fourier analysis: from cloaking to imaging,” Journal of Optics (An invited review, in Press, 2015).
2.Kedi Wu and Guo Ping Wang, ”Spin-dependent diffraction of evanescent waves by subwavelength gratings,” Optics Letters 40, 3707 (2015).
3.Kedi Wu, Qiluan Cheng, Yile Shi, Hui Wang, and Guo Ping Wang, “Hiding scattering layers for noninvasive imaging of hidden objects,” Sci. Reports 5, 8375 (2015).
4.Qiluan Cheng#, Kedi Wu#(并列第一作者), Yile Shi, Hui Wang, and Guo Ping Wang, “Directionally hiding objects and creating illusions above a carpet-like device by reflection holography,” Sci. Reports 5, 8581 (2015).
5.Kedi Wu and Guo Ping Wang, “One-dimensional Fibonacci grating for far-field super-resolution imaging,” Optics Letters 38, 2032 (2013).
6.Kedi Wu and Guo Ping Wang, “Design and demonstration of temporal cloaks with and without the time gap,” Optics Express 21, 238 (2013).
7.Kedi Wu, Qiluan Cheng, and Guo Ping Wang, “Fourier optics theory for invisibility cloaks,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 28, 1467 (2011).
8Kedi Wu and Guo Ping Wang, “Transformation-optics-based nanopattern recognition,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 28, 2524 (2011).
9.Kedi Wu and Guo Ping Wang, “Hiding objects and creating illusions above a carpet filter using a Fourier optics approach,” Optics Express 18, 19894 (2010).
10.Kedi Wu and Guo Ping Wang, “General insight into the complementary medium-based camouflage devices from Fourier optics,” Optics Letters 35, 2242 (2010).