Centre News
Release Time : 2017-12-29Professor Jiwei of the National University of Singapore to my Collaborative Laboratory for academic Exchange reports

July 6 and 7th 9:30 A.M., Professor Jiwei of the National University of Singapore at the Joint laboratory conducted a separate absorptive nonlinearities:basics and Academic exchange activities between characterization and refractive nonlinearities:basics and characterizatio.Dianyuan Academician led the joint laboratory research team, as well as some postdoctoral, doctoral and postgraduate students to participate in the exchange activities.



At the meeting, Professor Jiwei, based on his many years of learning, thinking and feeling, shared with you the fundamentals and characteristics of nonlinear absorption and reflection.


During the academic Exchange meeting, the teachers, postdoctoral and doctoral students of the Joint laboratory participated actively in the discussion and consulted Professor Jiwei on some interesting aspects.Finally in the warm and friendly atmosphere of the successful conclusion of this academic Exchange conference.